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Our world is marked by violence on multiple levels, which can leave us feeling hopeless and powerless. That's why I'm passionate about raising up a new generation of people who can serve as safe spaces for one another - an army of healers who can respond to the many forms of violence and trauma we encounter. To make this a reality, we need to prioritize mental health and wellbeing, and make these services more accessible. Unfortunately, in many parts of Africa, mental health support is still seen as unattainable, or something people only seek when they're already deemed mentally ill. We need to change this narrative and make mental health care more widely available.

As the author of "Good Vibes and Butterflies," I'm excited to share my personal story and invite readers to join me on a journey of self-discovery. The book is the result of many authentic and sometimes difficult conversations I've had with myself and others. It's a story about letting go of what I thought I wanted, and embracing uncertainty in order to find true fulfillment.

I've been involved in youth work since I was 15, when I co-founded the Young Achievers Empowerment Project. This experience taught me the importance of creating our own tables instead of waiting for a seat at someone else's. We need to become revolutionaries who drive action and implementation, not just people who talk about making changes. Our focus should be on creating programs that represent the diversity of the youthful demographic and are responsive to their lived experiences. By amplifying the voices of young people and empowering them to take action, we can create a brighter future for all.

As someone who's passionate about wellbeing and elevating emerging voices, I'm dedicated to creating safe spaces for transformative change and inclusive development discussions.

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Mental Health:

Listening Beyond

the Silence


Changing the

Game Together

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Good Vibes

and Butterflies

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Steven explores the transformative power of presence and curiosity in fostering empathy. Through personal struggles, community engagement, and global awareness, he shares insights on overcoming fear, breaking down barriers, and listening to others. His story urges us to move beyond surface-level interactions and stereotypes. He demonstrates that empathy is not just about sharing in others' pain but also in their joy, and can be deepened through genuine curiosity and open-hearted listening. This TEDx talk is a call to action for anyone looking to foster deeper connections and make a real impact in their personal lives, communities, and beyond.


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